Fraunhofer is Europe’s largest application-oriented research organization. Its research activities are conducted by 72 institutes and research units. Fraunhofer employs more than 25000 staff and has an annual research budget totalling 2.3 billion euros. In one of its units, the CML develops and optimises processes and systems along the maritime supply chain. Amongst others, it focuses on innovative shipping solutions to enhance automation, reduce emissions and increase full efficiency.
Project Coordinator, Technical Manager, Work Package Leader WP1 & WP5
Spending more than 2 years in designing the AIRCOAT concept and planning the project, I am delighted that it is finally underway. I am very excited to coordinate the great AIRCOAT team and looking forward to the project’s achievements!
Johannes Oeffner works at CML in the field of innovative technical shipping solutions. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a Master of Science in Biomimetics/Locomotion in Fluids. He completed his Master Thesis “The hydrodynamic function of shark skin and two biomimetic applications” at Harvard University. Prior to the CML, he was working as a Hydroacoustics scientist at a research institute in New Zealand. Besides AIROCAT, he recently initiated the European research projects RoboVaaS that focuses on developing robotic-vessels-as-service solutions. The AIRCOAT projects combines his main fields of interest: Biomimetics, Fluid Dynamics, Innovative Solutions and Shipping.
Head of Department ‘Sea Traffic and Nautical Solutions’
Administrative Manager
Even though I’m just the administrative coordinator, I’m very excited to see how the team will ensure by AIRCOAT’s biomimetic approach that natures best practices will help making maritime shipping more sustainable and efficient.
Hans-Christoph Burmeister is Group Manager of Sea Traffic and Nautical Solutions™ at Fraunhofer CML in Hamburg. He studied industrial engineering and holds a diploma from the University Erlangen-Nurnberg. Besides his activities in industrial research projects, he coordinated the internationally known European research project MUNIN on unmanned vessels as well as the Autonomous Navigation Test-Bed development for DSME. Thereby, his main focus is on collision avoidance algorithms. Furthermore, he acts as the technical coordinator of the European Maritime Simulator Network EMSN within the STM Validation Project and recently initiated the German project FernSAMS developing a remote-controlled tug.
Researcher Associate
Project Coordinator Assistant
Jonathan Weisheit is a Research Associate at Fraunhofer CML. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering (2014) and a Master’s Degree in Water Management, Environmental and Coastal Engineering (2017).
By researching wave-current interaction he gained expertise in conducting and analyzing hydrodynamic model tests. His career started with an apprenticeship as a construction mechanic in the field of shipbuilding, which he successfully finished in July 2011.
In Aircoat Jonathan is responsible for hydrostatic and hydrodynamic tests, as well as organizational tasks.
Research Associate
WP 5 Leader
Nils Hagemeister is a Research Associate with Fraunhofer CML and a qualified naval architect. Within AIRCOAT he is responsible for large scale Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. Additionally he is the leader of WP5.